Describe Laser Kitten’s aesthetic in 5 words:
Nostalgic, Maximalist(More Is More!), Fun, Twisted, Cute
When did you start designing and creating artwork?
Back in the '80s! My mom put me in a ceramics class, papier-mâché class, wire-sculpture class, you name it. I went on to make jewelry with my mom's beads. In high school I learned photography, stained glass, and painting. I discovered digital art in my early teens and went on to study design in college. Being involved in art and design is all I've ever wanted to do.
What’s the story behind the name Laser Kitten?
The idea for the name Laser Kitten came from laser cutting (I started out with a laser cut jewelry line) and Internet pop culture.
What do you love most about 90’s nostalgia?
I was a teenager in the '90s, so it formed who I am. I love everything about it: using the internet for the first time, learning to drive, the music, movies, technology (pagers and CD's), and the grunge era of style. I have so many good memories with my friends on 3-way phone calls, going to the mall, driving around doing nothing but blasting music, hanging out in coffee shops, going to see live music—and even an occasional rave! It’s a great reminder of how far we’ve come and also how some things never change.
How would you describe your personal style?
A mix and match of high end, low end, and vintage. I’m usually wearing metallic disco pants ('80s vibes) and a vintage crop top ('70s vibes) that I cut myself from a large t-shirt, cropped black moto jacket covered in pins and combat boots ('90s vibes). I currently have pink hair, but the color and length changes with my mood.
What’s your favorite clothing item in your closet right now?
A vintage faux-fur leopard print jacket that I bought in Japan.
What inspired/influenced your F21 collection?
The '80s, '90s, rock n' roll, fringe, glitter, sequins, rainbows, unicorns, celestial symbols, neon signs, travel, road trips, airbrushed t-shirts, stickers, manicures, spirituality, kittens, love, breakups, food, makeup, living in LA, the amazing people I work with! Everything I love!
Name your favorite throwback 90’s movie:
Clueless (iconic!)
What’s something embarrassing that you secretly like?
A shoe brand that everyone makes fun of, but I just got a pair because they are comfortable and practical! Shhh!
Do you have any advice for aspiring artists/designers?
Don't give up. Keep pushing. The right people will find you if you put yourself out there. Learn how to validate yourself!
Photos from the launch party held at the Laser Kitten HQ